2016 Independence Day

2016 Independence Day


We all know that India was not independent, the British ruled over us for 200. There are many freedom fighters come in front and started a war against British. First war started in 1857. Slowly that movement took a huge image in all over the India. The famous freedom fighter name come in existence. Rani Laxmi Bai, Tatya Tope, Mangal Pandey, Veer Kunwar Singh and many all.

They all started the movement against British. But unfortunate we have not unity in our country and our freedom fighters, some of the people from our country are playing this battle from the British side, due to this reason our freedom fighters got failed and our country did not freedom that time. Our many freedom fighters are got caught and many are hanged by British and many got died in war and movement. 

After the 1857 movement, in 1942 a movement named "Bharat Choro" was started by our national father Mahatma Gandhi. After a long Journey, India became freedom in 1947. This freedom has a great value for our nation, for our countrymen and women. Now in 1947 we have an own country, not "sone ki chiriya" but it was totally own a free country where anyone can live according to their selves. 


Our country India is a great sign of unity, here all the religion live together, either they are Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, issue or any other caste, they all are the brother. So there is a great unity in diversity in our country India. 

Patriot for my country will never down, it will increase day by day. And I can not stop loving our country. My country is best and it is my motherland.

So brothers and sisters after a huge struggle our country get freedom, many people gave their life, gave their present for our future. So We do not have to forget their work, and we have to care about our country, we have to do something better for our country. 


And in last, I want to say Please save the country of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawahar Lal Nehru, and all freedom fighter. 

That's All.

Jai Hind


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